This is seiji00's old website ^-^
new one is:

✧ I only accept PayPal, I don't have any other ways of accepting payments.✧ Do not remove my credits or watermark.✧ If you're buying an adopt, the character(s) will be transferred to you after I receive the payment.✧ Do not edit my drawings/illustrations. However, you can edit my designs but only minor edits such as eye color, adding accessories,slight color changes here and there, and the design has to stay recognizable.
In case the design piece has text, changing the text is fine, as long as you don't use any vulgar language in the updated text.
✧No refunds for adopts or commissions, unless I haven't started working on the commission yet.

✧ Holds require a down payment of %20 of the original price, which is non-refundable. (After the hold is up, you pay the rest %80 of the price)✧ If you don't send the rest of the payment by the agreed time for a hold without a reason or informing me you need more time, you have a chance of being put on my public blacklist (especially if this isn't your first time doing this).✧ As the artist, I still own full rights to all my artwork. (Which means I can still post it anywhere on my socials, my website, etc.) and use it as examples.✧ I'll never purposely ignore a message, if I haven't opened it: it means I haven't seen it yet.✧ Do NOT use my art for anything that has to do with AI.✧✧✧

Check out my art~

A buncho examples at once mhm

Commission Prices
CLOSED(this page is still a slight wip!)


Halfbody(Hips up).$170
BACKGROUND.additional $40(simple) - $80(complex)
Commercial Use. • Double of the original price of the piece/design.


• All are fully shaded with some rendering.
• Dimensions of the files will usually be between ~2000px to ~5000px

You can find me on these platforms as well, and join my Discord Server!

seiji sensei

Hi! I'm seiji00, a digital artist and animator from outer space!

I love drawing, designing, writing, animating, coming up with new worlds to create, and I love spending time perfecting my spaceship - s.2x25.c!

My Art Tools:

✧ Clip Studio Paint & Paint Tool SAI2

✧ Huion Inspiroy (as of 2024)

This page is currently under construction 🚧Come back later!